When we don’t make time for our own hearts, we don’t make time for His
"Listen closely to me . . . listen to my prayer and hurry to save me. Be a rock of refuge for me . . . my defense, a mountain fortress to save me."
-Psalm 31:2
I guess it is just really easy to forget, especially with how fast paced life is in our culture.
Out of a typical 8 hour work day we may take a hour and some change to actually take a break and rest.
The second we get home there are things to be done around the house or people we need to give more of ourselves to and finally when it is all said and done, the little time we have to usually “wind down” we may zombie out in front of Netflix for a couple hours before heading to bed and starting it all over again.
It leaves little time for the things that actually matter most to God . . . things of the heart.
As cliche as that might sound or as irritating to hear like a screaming child throwing a fit, it is true nonetheless.
Our hearts are where the things of life come from, yet we treat our hearts like we do our bodies usually . . . a means to an end.
What if our hearts are the end?
What if our hearts have been this whole time the thing itself that is the goal of all we do and should be the pursuit in how we live our lives?
Have we forgotten that God chose to make His dwelling in our . . . hearts . . .in who we are?
He could have chosen to make His dwelling place in the things we do.
But where is the relationship in that?
Where is the intimate communion through out the day?
Where would those moments be when He whispers something to us that brings hope and life and direction to a maybe hopeless and directionless situation?
He chose to dwell inside of our hearts because it is at the core meant for one thing:
Relationship with Him
This is why Jesus hated religion . . . and why God still hates anything that would say we have to go and do things to earn the kind of closeness that He desires with us.
But when we neglect our hearts, we neglect Him.
When we don’t make time for our own hearts, we don’t make time for His.
That’s how this all works . . . or doesn’t.
The choice is up to us.
He is always wanting to have a connection with us, but He can’t if we are disconnected from our own heart . . . the very place He resides and makes His home in us.
When we have chosen to believe the truth that He is real in every way and receive Him, He is there forever inside of who we are.
It is a oneness that we may never quite understand but we can experience one day at a time with Him as we grow closer and closer to Him.
He will always be the strongest reminder of what life should be about . . . our heart and who we are because in it dwells who He is . . . and this is a strong reminder to remember.
(scripture from GNT and HCSB)