Because we were born into a fallen world, we were born with a head wind that doesn't stop . . . an enemy that won't ever stop attempting to destroy us and God's will for our lives.
Being in God's will can be almost effortless . . . like a tail wind for an airplane giving a great force behind you speeding you along for the ride.
It is not the same without that.
Pilots are familiar with this.
The tail wind is an important factor that so effects the travel time that it can reduce it significantly.
And going against what we know is what God wants for our life also has an opposite effect in that we feel the drag and friction and burden of our own lives upon our shoulders like a strong head wind rushing at us.
It is very similar in an airplane in that there can either be a force behind you or coming at you with different results.
Around the time I turned 20, I went to a little hole-in-the-wall flight school at a small local airport to learn to fly.
My goal was to go for a private pilot's license but I never finished. Because of how expensive attending college was along with learning to fly, I eventually had to choose one. I of course chose college but I had gotten far enough along in the process where I was flying solo without an instructor.
There has never been anything like that in my life so far . . . no crazier feeling of a mixture in fear and adrenaline-infused excitement that you are flying an airplane far above the safety of the ground below.
I felt completely free up there amongst the clouds and sky and exhilarating to have so much ability yet so much could go wrong at any point.
The type of airplane I flew was an old Cessna 152. It was a small single engine two seater who's wings rested on top and going across the airplane's fuselage. Flying it was both fun and a lot of work because of how small it was. Plus it didn't have any digital navigation components many newer airplanes have now-and-days.
Especially when it came to fly in windy days, it was challenging because the wind would throw you around like a Labrador retriever whipping around its favorite toy!
So needless to say, if there was a way to get behind a tail wind, you definitely wanted to be in front of it letting it push you along rather than going head-on against it.
The only time you actually wanted a head wind was during a landing approach.
Because you must hit a quick but distinctive stall right before touching down on the runway, having a head wind helped with that maneuver.
On the other hand, while taking off, you would want to be flying into the wind as it helps create wind speed over the wings to maintain lift while climbing to your desired flying altitude.
But a head wind slows you down . . .
It can be beneficial if you are wanting that . . . but not so much if you are wanting to get to your destination on time.
Typically time is a big factor when plotting a course somewhere and for the simple reason that with time comes fuel consumption.
The more time you're in the air, the more fuel you consume.
Sometimes our walk is the same way with God. He has plotted a desired destination for us . . . somewhere He wants us to get to . . . and even has plans designed specifically depended on who He created us to be and to become.
When it comes to life and all its heaviness and our fallen nature, we are much like that little Cessna 152 I used to fly.
With every little gust of wind, I would feel it inside that little aircraft and I would have to make constant adjustments with trimming the wing flaps or holding the rudder pedals in a certain position.
Circumstances can be those strong gusts of wind for us . . . sometimes unexpected and we get tossed around. We have to make adjustments to stay up in the air and we know we could easily at any point lose control.
But, there is nothing like a good and consistent tail wind, pushing your little Cessna through the to the horizon ahead.
Being in His will is much like this, giving consistency in an environment of wild winds and an ocean of atmosphere we would call the sky of our life. Flying was incredible and like nothing else, another world, one we didn't naturally come equipped to handle. Yet, we are able to pierce the chasm and do what no man was born with the ability to do . . . that being to fly.
That is God's will for our lives.
His will is simply unnatural for us without Him. Our lives are helpless without God, going into the wind of an enemy who wants nothing more than for us to be completely destroyed.
Because we were born into a fallen world, we were born with a head wind that doesn't stop . . . an enemy that won't ever stop attempting to destroy us and God's will for our lives.
There are so many factors working against us constantly . . . and it comes at great price to fight to stay in God's will for our lives.
Maybe your work team doesn't have enough hands on deck.
Maybe your marriage doesn't seem right anymore and you've lost hope.
Maybe your life doesn't quite seem like it's heading anywhere and you're sort of in auto-pilot.
Maybe you or a loved one is going through a dark time with you're or their health.
Perhaps you are reading this and wondering where God is in your life and don't really feel it is near to you . . .
Regardless of the negative things we go through . . . the winds of life that come against us, God's will proves to always be the strongest force in our lives that has the ability to get behind us like a strong tail wind and push us to the life He has desired for us to live.
"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]."
- Yeshua
God's will for our lives is what we should seek above all things . . . above anything and everything else, for with it comes something like a tail-wind that can push us beyond any limitations of any circumstances that would dare come against us . . . because with Him behind us, it is no longer us.
With Him as our tail-wind, it is us against anything else we face.