When we let our Father, He will stir our hearts to burn with a lost passion that we may have forgotten was ever there in the first place
It’s almost like we live for where we are destined to be . . .
And we tend to find great purpose in that. But that’s where we are led truly far off course from why we live.
We don’t just live for our destiny.
Although where we are destined to be in terms of destination, it drives us, sure. But we aren’t limited to living solely for where we are headed... where the journey leads, for where does that leave the journey itself?
No, we are meant to live for both our destination and the journey that gets us there.
We are meant to embrace both how we get there and why we are fighting so hard to get somewhere at all.
It wells up within us through all we desire and where we want to end up.
Whether we think we do or not, we crave and passionately long for both the place we want to go and the sometimes long and challenging road to get there.
We are all on a road and that road will always lead somewhere.
So this is not a matter of whether or not we have both in our life.
We always have both
What is on the table here is are we embracing both?
Right now, in our lives, are we embracing the journey even though it may seem like it is leading us farther and farther away from a destination we believe we are destined for?
Or have we become comfortable in living for the moment and lost sight of the bigger picture in the vision of what God would want us to be led towards?
I know it’s almost like clockwork with me or a “cycle” through clinging on to one or the other rather than both.
Lately I feel like I have become comfortable in the journey seeming as if it is leading nowhere fast rather than embracing what I know deep in my heart God has for me as a destination.
I can also feel the danger setting up a “comfort-camp“ where I was meant to continue through, almost like pushing your luck while lingering in bear country longer than you need to.
It’s easy to do that, throw in the towel because we haven’t gotten to where we thought we were supposed to be when we thought we were supposed to be there.
That is a dangerous place because we’ve become passive and complacent and our steps forward may look like small little shuffles here and there.
It is easy for me to just want to stay where I am because of a destination that seems unreachable.
Who in fact would want to continue on a journey that seems to lead nowhere?
If I was really honest though, another way of putting it is I basically become discouraged and lose heart.
We begin to embrace the journey as the destination itself.
This is normal for every human being to face this . . .
And thankfully God does not leave us there in that place.
When we let our Father, He will stir our hearts to burn with a lost passion that we may have forgotten was ever there in the first place.
It’s actually pretty amazing when He does that because like children we’re almost throwing a fit because we didn’t get what we want, but He may leave us there in that place for a season before humbling us and teaching us that life must be about more than just the destination alone.
In order to find a passion that seems to wander off from me, I have to let God into that place.
I must not only admit the once burning reason to keep trudging forward is lost but also honestly express to our Father the extent the loss has caused me to betray the journey.
I have to seek Him out and listen for him to speak . . . to remind me of not only who I am but why I was created and where I am intended to go.
It brings about, to say the least, an incredible sense of purpose which seems to catapult me forward beyond the shuffling I may have wasted precious time fiddling around with.
There is nothing in vein that God cannot remake, or make reborn, or have restored in my life . . . in your life.
So where would you say you are right now in your life?
Are you embracing both the destination and the journey to get there?
Are you embracing both regardless of what it feels like now or what it seems like or looks like?
Take some time alone with God your Father to let Him either remind you of what the destinations you were intended for are or to remind you that where you are right now is only a part and a piece of the journey and a small portion of a much bigger picture.