When we constantly rationalize our thoughts away, we are pacifying, for the moment, what God may want us to face
To what haunts you, you must face.
How much we run from through out this journey is staggeringly uncountable considering all we face anew each day.
It all adds up.
It stacks upon the other until we are burdened down with too many thoughts gone un-acknowledged.
We were not meant to carry such burdens, not to mention the mere quantity of them, as small as they may seem . . . for if we allow them to, they will always take away from us more than we can hope to rebuild.
We have just grown accustomed to, at a specialized level I might add, evading many if not all forms of resolution.
I also think that is why God allows those unanswered haunts to go loose within our thoughts and depths of our hearts . . . in the hope we may one day reach such resolutions to be rid of them.
It can’t be all at once, so, it won’t be all at once, although it may appear or feel differently.
God’s Spirit will gently nudge a thought or two and present it to our attention.
Be careful, for this can seem like a “silly” thought come bouncing in and stumbling out the door of our consciousness if we let it.
Also, it may be too uncomfortable of a thought or too painful if spent too much time on.
We must take our hearts serious enough to give a chance to such things that may have come bouncing in more than a few times.
Don’t over think this.
When we constantly rationalize our thoughts away, we are pacifying, for the moment, what God may want us to face.
This would be a defense set up to have you avoid such things as dealing with and resolving hauntings within your heart.
Whether they seem “big” or “small” to you, “silly” or of no real “threat,” are you so arrogant to think you know which is which?
Yes, we are and can be that arrogant to think we know what is worth our time or discomfort to sort out.
Humility says that we must not fully trust our own interpretations but like a child would, rely solely on our Father to lead us.
No man likes this at first or ever is inclined naturally to be drawn to this way of living, but this and this alone is where the truest strength lies.
The humility which is only found in reliance on God must occur first before we can ever trust our hearts again, for the heart will only go in the direction of whatever is master over it.
This wouldn’t have to sound so dramatic if not for our incessant need to run as hard as we can from things that actually matter most to the well-being of our hearts and souls.
We run from the likeness of those hauntings because it is always uncomfortable, usually painful, and feels uncertainty mysterious to face what won’t leave us alone.
It amazes me just what we live with.
I’m reminded of a close friend who years ago injured his knee while playing soccer. He lived with it for about 4 years before going to a doctor.
It ended up being a torn ACL.
The doctor was shocked at how he had not only walked but ran on it to play soccer for that long before coming in.
The doctor reasoned that what happened was his knee built muscle around the injured knee to provide further support to compensate for the injury.
We all do that.
That is the point.
To what haunts you, you must face.
The hope though is because God is the One, your Father, who wants you to face it, He also wants to face it with you.
We are the ones who push him out, like a teenager who doesn’t need help.
Arrogance will always stand in the way of true strength.
So it is true we must face what haunts us, but alone?
No, we are never alone.